Getting Started

As mediation is a voluntary process, you cannot force the person with whom you have a dispute to participate. However, if you suggest to him or her that solving the problem together will be cheaper, faster, and less stressful than the alternative, which is to start or continue court proceedings, you may find your suggestion to mediate will be persuasive. The benefit of working out your own solutions to the issues rather than giving the decision to a judge who does not know you or your children should be obvious.

We are here to help you do that. The process is simple:

Step 1: Complete the Intake Form

Complete the Intake Form found below. Once you have both decided to participate in mediation, each of you will contact us by completing the confidential Intake Form. Complete the form to the best of your ability. The information you provide us will be completely confidential and will NOT be disclosed to the other party. We use the information to identify the issues to be discussed and to asses whether mediation is right for you.

Intake Form Can Be Found Below

Step 2: Meet with us

Once we have received and reviewed both intake forms, we will contact you by the preferred means identified in the Intake Form to schedule an individual session with each of you. We will schedule our meeting at your convenience but we usually like to have one individual session follow the other and if mediation is appropriate continue with a joint session immediately following. A block of at least four (4) hours of time is preferred. During the confidential meetings, we will explain the process, listen carefully to your concerns so that we can understand how we can help, and prepare you for a joint meeting of

Step 3: Joint Mediation Session

A joint session will follow our meeting with each of you individually. Together we will start by reviewing and having you sign an agreement to mediate. We together will develop an agenda to reach a fair agreement in your best interest. You will then, with our assistance, discuss the issues to reach a right understanding between both parties.

Intake Form

Our Mediation Intake Form is designed to gather as much information about you and your situation. The information you provide will remain CONFIDENTIAL and will NOT be disclosed to any party within your dispute. We use the information to identify the issues to be discussed and asses whether mediation is right for you.

Intake Form

Please complete the form to the best of your ability.
Once submitted you will receive an e-mail with instructions on how to proceed.